Launched in 1993, the Piramidal project has the goal of recreating cozy environments because “in every empty space there's an atmosphere to create”.

Always aware to the evolution of international trends, the young, dynamic and creative team at Piramidal develops projects with personality, transforming any space into an welcoming, creative and functional ambiance, thus materializing any and every dream. The “beauty” concept is given by the client, which is treated as “unique” and each proposal is thought to the individual image and needs.

Nowadays, Piramidal's ambiances stand out for its exclusively designed furniture and  by a selection of representations of various national and international brands in the construction, decoration, furniture, lighting and textile sectors.

Overcoming expectations is the challenge, guaranteeing not only the client's satisfaction but also their dazzlement at the final result. A guarantee reinforced by the own manufacture, allowing the exhaustive follow-up of the execution process of each project and of all the idealized pieces. At Carpintaria Sucupira, the furniture is made to measure, shaping kitchens, closets, bathrooms, coating, pavements and all that imagination can draw.

Over 27 years of experience in the business, the collections are renewed. The use of natural materials is the main trend and has influenced the release of the Seiva Collection, exploring nature as the source of inspiration and is synonym to transformation and creativity. The solid wood used are all either from sustainable forests or fallen trees due to natural causes, bringing nature's most beautiful shapes into our homes. Fruit of different technologies, materialities and some creativity arise the contemporary, functional and unique “pieces” that set apart and give soul to any space.


You dream it, Piramidal creates it!



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